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Hi! I'm YOU, creator of this site, and I'm pleased to meet you! I'm proud to introduce you to the site I made with my own bare hands! Enjoy your visit!

Recherche dans ce journal: (laissez les champs vides pour tout rechercher)

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2006-11-25 (Samedi)

Following bitter disappointment leading me to seek answers in my past; and to simplify the searches in this document that was becoming increasingly voluminous, I decided to create a toddler "local" site. A site through which I could insert all these days descriptions in a database so as to filter the content and simplify my research. "je - diary search engine", then named "MaLife", was born ... 4 years almost day-to-day after "VL7 - production details and personal life" and two years almost day-to-day before the opening of the online version ... Hey that's fucked-up! I'd just noticed that! ...

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